Frequently Asked Questions: Dental Implants

Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked dental implant and smile restoration questions.

What are the differences between conventional implants and Hybridge?

Hybridge Full Arch is not an implant. It is a prosthetic restoration which is made using very specific clinical techniques.

The “conventional” approach to dental implants can be completed in many different ways, usually resulting in porcelain crowns or bridgework. These treatments are still indicated in many instances, but usually for replacing one or several teeth at a time. Treatment time may take up to 18 months.

Hybridge Full Arch is a specific technique/protocol, which has been perfected to result in a fast, cost effective, simplified treatment approach. The final prosthetic restoration is a cross-linked PMMA and chrome cobalt bridge replacing up to 12 teeth, supported on 5 or 6 dental implants. The result is full dental function for less than half the cost of conventional implant bridgework and in a fraction of the time.

How is the cost determined for tooth replacement?

Every person is different and so too is the Hybridge case depending on the number of teeth remaining, available bone, and other factors. There are many variables to the Hybridge treatment, so cost can vary. A Hybridge certified doctor will give you an exact cost estimate at the time of your initial consultation.

Can any dentist offer Hybridge? Is there a doctor in my area that offers it?

We are continuously training the best dentists from around the country on the Hybridge protocol. Only dentists who are already leaders in the field of dental implants are considered qualified for this training. lists those doctors who have been trained to date. We continue to update our map with additional cities where there are Hybridge certified doctors. Only dentists that have completed certification through Hybridge LLC can offer Hybridge treatment. Since the Hybridge protocol is very efficient, many of our patients do travel a distance for this treatment. Proper treatment sequencing using the Hybridge protocol can minimize the number of visits to complete treatment.

What if I've been told I don't have enough jaw bone for dental implants?

Good news! You may still be a candidate for Hybridge. Our process can be completed on patients who have been told they are not eligible for dental implants. The Hybridge process is unique in that it utilizes the bone that most of our patients already have. Bone grafting may be needed with extreme bone loss. A dental CT scan can easily identify available bone, and determine if bone augmentation/addition is needed.

How long after the implant surgery must I wait until I can go back to work?

Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days. Although in most cases discomfort is minimal, patients vary when it comes to bruising; approximately 20% experience some degree of bruising. This may affect your returning to work right away. Three to five days is usually plenty of time to wait to return to a full schedule.

What kinds of foods do I have to stay away from?

Hybridge Full Arch is designed to withstand normal function, but with some limitations. Eating anything harder than your teeth could cause chipping or breaking. We suggest that Hybridge Full Arch patients refrain from eating food that requires “crushing”, such as hard nuts, ice, bones, hard candies, popcorn kernels and hard pretzels. Over time, there may be instances where patients forget these limitations and experience some fracture or wear of the teeth on the Hybridge Full Arch. The repair is quite easy, and often can be completed in the office. If the bridge requires repair at the Hybridge Laboratory, it takes only a few days to repair. The cost to the patient is usually minimal, comparable to that of a filling. There are no tooth-colored dental materials which are indestructible. The PMMA teeth of a Hybridge Full Arch are advantageous in that they are the most life like in appearance, and are repairable. Conventional porcelain crowns are more brittle than resin, and if they fracture, they are not repairable because when made, they are fired at 900 degrees in an oven. This makes repair impossible and requires expensive replacement.

Does insurance cover dental implant procedures?

With so many dental insurance policies available today, we suggest you contact your insurance carrier to determine if dental implants are covered on your plan. If your policy does cover dental implants, you will find the yearly maximum will be the limit to coverage. As a rule, we find that dental insurance coverage is usually not significant enough to be a determining factor to completing treatment. Medicaid, Medicare and medical insurance do not cover Hybridge treatment.

Is financing available? How do most patients afford Hybridge treatment?

Yes. Hybridge can help you by assisting in this process. Each of our offices can offer various types though, so it will be important to contact your local Hybridge office to find out which are available.

Alternatively, our patients find very competitive interest rates through their local banks. Home equity loans often times are the lowest interest rates available, and the interest is tax deductible. Secured loans such as a home equity loan will usually be at a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan.

Many patients are not aware that dental expense that exceeds a certain percentage of your yearly income can be tax deductible. For some, this can generate a tax refund the following year of up to 25% of the cost of their Hybridge treatment. Consult with your tax advisor for more information.

Will I ever have to go without teeth during the process?

In most cases you will always be able to wear a temporary denture during the time you are going through treatment. Although this will give you very good esthetics, your ability to eat/ function will be limited while wearing the denture(s).

How long does Hybridge treatment take?

Treatment time is usually measured starting at the first surgical procedure and ends at the final insertion of your Hybridge restoration. Treatment duration varies based on:
- Teeth or no teeth at the start of treatment
- If bone grafting is needed- If it is an upper or lower Hybridge
- If there are any dental infections at the start of treatment

Hybridge can be completed in as little as 2 weeks. There are rare cases that require a significant amount of bone grafting. These procedures can extend treatment past the 16 week period. A treatment sequence and timeline will be developed for you after your consultation so that you can plan your appointments around your personal obligations.

Does age matter?

Hybridge may be the right treatment for someone young or old. Current patient age ranges are 21 to 93. More important than age is good healing, which is not age dependent. Patients that smoke will often take longer to heal from their Hybridge procedure. Your overall health will be evaluated, and we will contact your physician for an assessment prior to starting your Hybridge treatment, regardless of your age.

I grind my teeth, will I grind my new Hybridge teeth?

Many times by correcting a bad bite, grinding will lessen, but habits are sometimes hard to break. We have found that those with a history of grinding, (bruxing), will need more maintenance over time due to wear of the Hybridge teeth. Unlike natural teeth, Hybridge can be restored usually within a week, and for less cost than one crown.

I have periodontal disease. Will my Hybridge also be affected by it?

Periodontal disease does not prevent patients from having Hybridge Full Arch treatment, and this treatment is a great option for those patients who struggle with periodontal disease and its effects. However, with a Hybridge Full Arch, proper daily flossing and brushing is still necessary, as well as visits to the dental hygienist every 3-4 months. This will help prevent the build up of plaque, which can lead to harmful bacteria, and potentially affect the health of the implants.

Will I have to take my teeth out? Are they permanent?

Hybridge is removable solely by your dentist, and only when needed. Hybridge is permanent.

Will I need to have dental cleanings after I finish treatment?

Yes, we recommend cleaning every 3-4 months.

Will I be able to go through airport security without the alarm going off?

The alarms will not go off. Like any other dental material (fillings and crowns), Hybridge is not identified in a security scan.

Is Hybridge Full Arch only for denture wearers?

Hybridge Full Arch is definitely a solution for denture wearers because it is a permanent solution that restores full function, which wearing a denture doesn’t do. Hybridge is also a solution for those who have some or all of their natural teeth remaining. Many people have chronic dental problems caused by periodontal disease or decay. Conventional dentistry doesn’t definitively solve these problems for those at high risk. Hybridge Full Arch is a definitive, once and for all solution for those patients whose teeth do not have a good prognosis.

What are All-On-4 Implants? And how is that different from Hybridge Implants?

All-on-4 is a dental implant concept derived from the idea that only four dental implants are required to support a bridge of 12 teeth. This type of restoration can be done on the upper or lower jaws. A commonly acknowledged detractor of the All-on-4 concept is the issues that occur if one or more of those four implants were to fail; the entire bridge would then be considered a failure.

On the other hand, Hybridge is a complete dental implant system that is specific to all the following variables, including the quality and type of dental implant selected, the use of a proprietary Hybridge exact surgical guide system, prosthetic design, and materials. Unlike the traditional All-on-4 concept, Hybridge often involves placing up to six implants, which provides greater stability, longevity, and success.

Hybridge's cost structure is based on the overall treatment rather than the number of implants, emphasizing value and long-term success. This approach can be compared to having an insurance policy for your teeth, as it increases the likelihood of long-term stability. In conclusion, Hybridge's comprehensive approach and focus on long-term stability often provide a more robust and sustainable solution for full-arch tooth replacement.